
gratitude monday

starting the week with gratitude. I'm grateful for
  • this yoga video by sadie nardini (it was exactly what I needed this saturday)
  • the xx on rdio
  • the opportunity to take a long relaxing bath (thank you family)

  • our public library (something I do appreciate about urban life, almost as important as parks)

  • golden lentil dal (this recipe)
  • autumn
  • my job (yes. I love you, too) 


on sewing: laptop sleeve


found a lovely tutorial for a laptop sleeve.
sewing one was on my list for ages – and I'm quite happy with the result...
more pics here.

late summer reading


there wasn't this much reading this summer. but there was

- the sound of the sea
- newborn turtles
- 3 new bikinis
- no new sandals (couldn't find any)
- the scent of chai tea, served in small glasses
- almond ice cream
- lot's of sun
- my old but fav scratchy sunglasses
- a simple black neckholder dress on heavy rotation
- turtles, again, and everywhere

now back home with two new books (and huge bowls of coffee)
hello september. xx